EASD CGM Abstract

Abstract submitted for the 59th meeting the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, EASD, Hamburg, October 2–6, 2023 Glucose-Insulin modelling of DM2 patients with CGM monitoring under various therapies David Herzig1, Lia Bally1, Thomas Castiglione2,3, Philippine Des Courtils2,3, André Jaun2 1 UDEM, Inselspital, Freiburgstrasse 2, 3010 Bern, Switzerland 2 Metadvice, Route Cantonale 109, 1025…

EASD AI Abstract

Combining clinical guidelines with continuous learning from real world evidence data has the potential to effectively implement precision medicine by clinicians caring for people with diabetes. Such AI-driven platforms that integrate data from electronic health records are available and are readily extendable to include data from wearable technologies.

ADA Abstract

A proof-of-concept analysis that demonstrates the utility of a neural network to predict the development of one or more comorbidities based on data routinely collected in primary care, published in Diabetes, a journal of the American Diabetes Association.