ESC 2024 Abstract

Abstract for the European Society of Cardiology, 30 August – 2 September 2024 in London. Comorbidity neural network model for personalised recommendations in cardiometabolic risk factor management: towards early precision medicine in routine clinical practice Yaron Dibner, Nicolas Brandt, Andrew Krentz, Arina Lozhkina, Alexandre Luster, Arthur Père, André Jaun Download PDF


Independent Evaluation in UK Primary Care

Independent Evaluation finds Metadvice AI is an Effective Tool for Reducing Clinician Workload in UK Primary Care Unity Insights was commissioned by Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex, facilitated by the Office of Life Sciences commission, to evaluate the application of the Metadvice artificial intelligence (AI) precision clinical guidance tool within the Ball Tree Surgery in…


ADA 2024 Abstract

Abstract submitted for the 84th scientific sessions of the American Diabetes Association ADA, Orlando (FL), June 21-24, 2024 Therapy Recommendation Neural Network for Comorbid Cardiometabolic Diseases Yaron Dibner, Nicolas Brandt, Andrew Krentz, Arina Lozhkina, Alexandre Luster, Arthur Père, André Jaun Download PDF The ADA 84th Scientific Sessions will take place 21-24 June 2024, Orlando, Florida.…
